Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Welcome! What are your expectations?

Welcome to Global Awareness!

We are going to use this space to share ideas, talk about issues, and reflect upon what's going on in the world around us.  Remember, this is a respectful forum!

I'd like to know what makes a good teacher, and I would like to try to meet your expectations. Let me start by telling you what I think makes a good student in a Global Awareness classroom.

A good Global Awareness student is someone who...

  • Is respectful to his or her peers, inside and outside of the classroom
  • Is respectful of sensitive topics that we discuss in class
  • Takes responsibility for his or her work and actions
  • Has an open mind and can try to see things from someone else's perspective
  • Take chances with his or her work...that leads to discovery!

What I'd like you to do is...
  1. Comment on this post and tell me what you think makes a good teacher in a Global Awareness classroom.  What do you expect from me?  In any format you like (list, paragraph, etc.) please write 3-5 qualities of a good teacher.  Be sure to check your work before you post.  Remember, when we post on a blog, we are sharing our work with a large group of people.  Write something that you can be proud of.
  2. Reply to at least one comment by your classmates.  Write why you agree or disagree, or compliment a good suggestion.  Remember, all writing should be checked for spelling and grammar before it is submitted!


  1. This is where you post your comments. Simply click on "post a comment," follow the directions in my blog, check it over for mistakes, and then hit "post comment." That's it!

  2. @Mrs. Burley If you want to reply to a specific classmate's comment--which I encourage you to do--simply click on the "Reply" button next to his/her commment. Then, type your comment after the HTML code in the comment window that pops up. Try this out.

  3. A good teacher is a teacher that is nice, wants to make me come to class every day, and would help you pass the seventh grade.

  4. A couple qualities I believe a global awareness teacher should have are to be able to listen to each student, give the student the time to talk, and lastly try to the best of their ability to answer the student.

  5. I think that any teacher should be;

    Nice (fun to be around)
    Be open to all ideas from students
    Help students when they are stuck
    Give extra help to those who need it.

  6. I think a good teacher is nice, and that helps you when you need help.

  7. Dear Mrs.Burley,

    A good global aware teacher should

    .Be kind

    .Be aware of all students questions and needs

    .Be easy to understand and understanding

    .Have a warm and cozy learning enviroment

    That is it.

  8. I think that a good teacher should have a good sense of humor. Teacher's should be nice. They should also be kind as well as being kind.

  9. Qualities of a good teacher are

    1. Nice

    2. Not alot of homework

    3. Helpful if you get something wrong

  10. 1.she/he would recycle
    2.nice and kind
    3.likes the planet
    4.doesn't likes pollution
    5.respects people

  11. I think a good teacher should be respectful, and kind. I believe teachers should have fun but still they must be able to teach us what the U.S. requires to help students become good citizens to this nation. Last teacher need to be educated and have experience.

  12. I think a good teacher should be:a person that shouldn't like giving home work, like having fun, and listens to what the student has to say.

  13. I think a teacher should be a funny, yet strict, person.

  14. I think a good teacher is nice,funny,kind,person

  15. i think that a good awareness teacher is.... calm nice caring and helpful with work that you dont get.. understanding on how people feel..

  16. I think that a good teacher...

    Cares about the students ideas
    Wants to help students do their best
    Knows/Understands the topic that they are teaching
    Has a good sense of humor
    And thats it

  17. I think a good a teacher should...
    -be patient
    -listen to the student's ideas
    -and is respectful

  18. A good teacher is a teacher that wants us to pass and be a good student. They also want us to have a fun learning environment and to easily get a type of subject to the students,

  19. I think a what makes a good global awareness teacher would be for them to be able to answer the students questions as much as possible, give the students as much time as possible to explain or do their work and interact with the students when they are confused.

  20. I think a good Global Awareness teacher should...
    -Help students whenever they need it.
    -Explain everything they say and make sure everyone knows what they mean by it.
    -Be respectful of the students.

  21. I think that a Global Awareness teacher should be able to be able to understand and react to students in a positive way! They should be able to help, and be willing to help, the students and make sure they are succeeding in all their work! Finally, should be able to communicate with the students!

  22. A good teacher would be:

    2.trying to make me feel comfortable
    3.and being very kind to everyone

  23. I think a good social studies teacher should be encouraging so we should keep trying, understanding with students, and helpful with us and our school work.

  24. I think a good global awareness teacher should have are Be understanding,be nice, answer questions, have a positive attitude and have a sense of humor

  25. I think what makes a good global awareness teacher would be someone who listens to what the students have to say, helps students when they are confussed, and makes the classroom a place students want to be.

  26. I feel a good teacher should be supportive, paitient,calm easygoing,and experienced.

  27. I think what makes a good global awareness teacher should be confident, knows a lot about current events, and mostly, has an open mind to all students' opinions.

  28. I think a good global awareness teacher should be nice but enforces the rules. They should make class enjoyable but they get the lesson done. A teacher should be understanding of problems but not so much that they let every little thing go. Lastly a good teacher should be capable of being a good teacher
